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  • Writer's pictureclaytongutmann

Work of the Week: Mazda 3

A very interesting campaign launched this past week, specifically in the middle of NCAA Championship game. This is the "second installment" of their Feel Alive campaign, with a 60-second spot airing in one of the biggest sporting events of the Spring, calling it "Dream Bigger."

The spot shows a woman pulling out her key fob, but turns to her being taken away in the sky, holding onto a red balloon, which turns into their new Mazda 3. The idea seems to be that the depiction of her floating over landscapes evokes the same freedom she feels when driving the Mazda. Mazda set out to create a sense of inspiration and curiosity within the video, additionally relating that idea to what it feels like behind the wheel of this car. I think it was very out there, but for a 60-second spot, they used the time they had to take this idea of freedom and inspiration outside of the box, getting very creative with it, which I appreciated.

Mazda has reported that their goal with this campaign is to "increase brand interest and consideration" (Dino Bernacchi). The brand sees the Mazda 3 and following lines as next generation products, and want to use them to inspire imagination and ambition.

Personally, this seems like less of a Mazda 3 commercial, and more of a brand message. In fact, I think with this 60-second slot and the eyes they had on it during this game, that is a great idea. It appears to be a commercial advertising a car, but this commercial really advertises the brand, and allows for them to share with a wide audience how they want to be perceived. Mazda has identified this step as a new era for the brand with evolved, unparalleled products, and used these 60 seconds very well to show how their brand message has evolved.

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